Rekha Krishnan (ed). Growing Numbers and Dwindling Resources. New Delhi: Tata Energy Research Institute, 1994. XVIII+I71 pages. Indian Rupees 440.00. US $44.00. Hardbound.

The issue of sustainable development, which is defined as the balancing of environmental protection with the generation of increased opportunities for employment and higher living standards, has assumed great importance in recent years. This has been due to the concern expressed by environmentalists that economic growth in developed and developing countries is having a negative impact on regional and international eco-systems. The increasing global environmental degradation has even spurred international organisations like the World Bank to provide capital and other expertise to help halt and, where possible, to reverse the process of environmental decay. This volume consists of papers presented at a two-day seminar on Population and Natural Resources organised by the Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI) in New Delhi in the latter part of 1993. Divided in seven sections, it examines in detail the relationship of the growth of population, poverty, and economic activity with the environment, and the implications that this has for sustainable development.

Mir Annice Mahmood