Governance, Economic Policy and Reform in Pakistan: Essays in Political Economy (Reprint)
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Governance, Economic Policy and Reform in Pakistan: Essays in Political Economy (Reprint)

Publication Year : 2021
Explore More : Books

Author’s Introduction
These essays were written over a period of three years primarily as a means to
analysing the political economy of the country and present that analysis in a manner that
is easily readable by the ordinary reader. The style of these essays is, therefore, very
informal and, I hope, easily readable. As much as possible a conversational tone has been
maintained. The device of fictional conversations, debates or even interviews has been
used merely to make several difficult concepts more understandable. Jargon has been
almost totally avoided. The little that was used has been explained in the appendix at the
end of the book.
If this book manages to interest a few people into understanding and debating
some basic issues in our economic policy and its interaction with our political framework,
it will have achieved its purpose.